A piece of fruit is probably the most healthful snack going. But there are plenty of other nourishing alternatives to junk food that your child will love. Here are a few suggestions:
- Baked chips. Deep-fried potato chips typically get more than half of their calories from fat. Stock up on baked chips instead. A one-ounce serving of Kettle Crisps, for instance, gets just 15 of its 110 calories from fat. Baked tortilla chips are another good choice; you can find flavorful brands that get only a third of their calories from fat.
- Fruit bars. Fig Newtons are low in fat and provide fiber and potassium. Raisin biscuits are another great choice. Only 20 percent of their calories come from fat, and the best brands are loaded with those crinkly iron-rich bits of sweetness.
- Frozen fruit bars. The best of these frozen treats contain chunks of real fruit — orange, pineapple, peach, and banana, to name a few. They're a great, fat-free summer refresher.
- Fudgsicles. The classic American frozen treat deserves high praise. One bar has just 90 calories and only about a gram of fat.
- Fruit juice. Make sure it's 100 percent fruit, with no added sugar, and you'll give your child the goodness of fruit in a tall, refreshing glass.
- Energy drinks. On a hot day when your kid just won't slow down, a sports drink like Gatorade can stave off dehydration. Some children who resist drinking water will happily gulp one of these sweet-tasting drinks.
- Fruit shakes. Whip together a banana, a splash of fruit juice, and a handful of berries in your blender, and you've got a nutritious shake. You can add yogurt for more protein and calcium. For the best consistency, freeze the fruit beforehand or use frozen yogurt.
Get the snacks today in Gyro Bowl!
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